boas ppl!
parexe ke um palhaxu rexolveu komentar este blog tentadu me insultar! bem palhaxu de merda ... es ta canalha ke nem axinas kom o teu nome! atrevete a dixer kem es! ha pra tua informaxao .. nunka msm nunka andei a trax de ninguem nem andarei, se ha aki alguem dependente es tu, minha besta! so te digu ... nao inforexas kem nao konhexes bem, podes libertar o DIABO!! yah leste bem ... konsigu transformar a tua vida em miseria ... desfaxute em pedaxinhus e riome na tua cara de inbecil! mostrate kem es se tens coragem ,o cobarde!
ha ja agora ... experimenta dixerme ixu na cara! pode ser ke eu goste da minha reaxao , tu e ke nao vais gostar nadinha!!! .. keres ver o ntal dos hospitais em directu e komer por uma paljhinha e ?? arranjute ixu! na boa msm! ..... tu realmente deves ter mt gente atrax de ti .... a foderte o cu! .... mostrate e ves kem poxo xer ... you'll be face to face wiht devil ... and i'll win!sucker!
i feel the hate rise up in me...come and i'll destroy you in a master bleed!
va pelo menus uma vex na puta da tua miseravel vida de puta, mostrate.... ha eu espro cobarde!
julho 30, 2005
julho 27, 2005

boas ppl! parece ke nao kestumo postar mt mas hoxe rexilvi postar!
os ultimos dias tem sido um koto eskexitus pa mim, exprimentei varias senxaxoes desde revoltado e con votnade de partir td ate frenetico para acabar o trablhu paxandu pelo pasmado e surprexo .... ultimamente akontexeme de td ......
nunka mais veju a lux ao fundo do tunel ... exa lux penxu eu terar um painel a dixer "acareg"!
bexus pas muninas do forum! e abraxus pa eles!
ha ... um bexu especial pra dianinha ... sabes kem es!
julho 24, 2005
boas ppl!
ja nao psotava ha mt! hoxe decidi postar!
esta semana akontexe-m de td msm td! desde verem o ke nao deviam no meu pc, na festa do ivo, ate ser asediado por gays .... fg tirem-me deste filme ... por favor!ja nao aguento mais!
e vdd .... ja souberam ke vao apagar a lux ao fundo do tunel ?????
bexus gandes pa vcs migas
abruus pa vcs putos!
ja nao psotava ha mt! hoxe decidi postar!
esta semana akontexe-m de td msm td! desde verem o ke nao deviam no meu pc, na festa do ivo, ate ser asediado por gays .... fg tirem-me deste filme ... por favor!ja nao aguento mais!
e vdd .... ja souberam ke vao apagar a lux ao fundo do tunel ?????
bexus gandes pa vcs migas
abruus pa vcs putos!
julho 18, 2005
oix! hoxe decidi postar uma muxika dedikada ao meu gande migo "FUXITA" somos gandes amigus msm! puto km sei ke kurtes totil esta muxika, por ixu: sugar!
System of a Down
The Kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day...
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray.
Well I'm not there all the time, you know
Some people, some people, some people,
Call it insane. Yeah, they call it insane. (Sugar)
I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport,
With a bullet called life. Yeah mama called life. (Sugar)
You know that everytime I try to go
Where I really want to be
It's already where I am,
'Cause I'm already there! (Sugar)
The Kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day...
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray.
I got a gun the other day from Soko.
It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket.
Yeah, right in my pocket. (Sugar)
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes,
And I just fuckin' kick her,
And oh baby...she's okay. (Sugar)
People are always chasing me down,
Trying to push my face to the ground,
Where all they really want to do,
Is suck out my mother fucking brains,
My brains! (Sugar)
The Kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day.
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray.
I sit,
In my desolate room,
No lights,
No music,
Just anger.
I've killed everyone,
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
Fuck you, it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
Fuck you, it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
System of a Down
The Kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day...
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray.
Well I'm not there all the time, you know
Some people, some people, some people,
Call it insane. Yeah, they call it insane. (Sugar)
I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport,
With a bullet called life. Yeah mama called life. (Sugar)
You know that everytime I try to go
Where I really want to be
It's already where I am,
'Cause I'm already there! (Sugar)
The Kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day...
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray.
I got a gun the other day from Soko.
It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket.
Yeah, right in my pocket. (Sugar)
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes,
And I just fuckin' kick her,
And oh baby...she's okay. (Sugar)
People are always chasing me down,
Trying to push my face to the ground,
Where all they really want to do,
Is suck out my mother fucking brains,
My brains! (Sugar)
The Kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day.
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray.
I sit,
In my desolate room,
No lights,
No music,
Just anger.
I've killed everyone,
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
Fuck you, it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
Fuck you, it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
How do I feel?
What do I say?
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
In the end it all goes away.
julho 15, 2005
julho 10, 2005
kd vex me fax penxar amis esta muxika .... onde site mundo vai parar!
A Perfect Circle - Imagine (cover)
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
A Perfect Circle - Imagine (cover)
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
julho 08, 2005
boas ! desta vex kero deixar aki o meu apoio a selexao portuguesa de sub18 hockey em campo ke joga esta semana o europeu na republica checa! pk vcs sao os melhores vao konseguir um bom rexoltado! desejo boa sorte pra tds especialmetn pros jogadores do almas, paulo mendes e "robben" vivas!
abrus pra vcs putos!
abrus pra vcs putos!
julho 04, 2005
owa ppl 1
la tou eu a postar!
so vos keria deixar umas fraxes ke me dixem mt msm !
pk pra mim tem mt mais sentidu um penxamentu bem eskritu ke um poema ke mal se pode interpretar! pk a muxika e td pra mim .... aki fikasm as fraxes
"open your eyes, open your mind!
proud like a god, don't pretend to be blind!
open your self, break that instead!
feat that machine that works in your head"
by guano apes
"the reality is better than dream but i found out of the hard way"
by slipknot
fikma s fraxes ke me faxem penxar!
bexuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu axim gandi pra vcs!
la tou eu a postar!
so vos keria deixar umas fraxes ke me dixem mt msm !
pk pra mim tem mt mais sentidu um penxamentu bem eskritu ke um poema ke mal se pode interpretar! pk a muxika e td pra mim .... aki fikasm as fraxes
"open your eyes, open your mind!
proud like a god, don't pretend to be blind!
open your self, break that instead!
feat that machine that works in your head"
by guano apes
"the reality is better than dream but i found out of the hard way"
by slipknot
fikma s fraxes ke me faxem penxar!
bexuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu axim gandi pra vcs!
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