boas ppl!
ja nao postava ha um tempitu, falta de tempo, falta de vontade tb, e falta do meu E1000 a cam ke adna sempe kmg!
mas pontus
enquantu andava a ver as fotos velhas ...encontrei esta menus velha..esta foto do 1º dia do acareg ...eu e o fuxas ...com o edu atrax ...fesme recodar os velhus tempos koffi...a gande ekipa ...putos ..e falo pa vcs os dois temus ke votlar aos velhus tempos ..temus de voltar a "ajabardar" km antes...temus de voltar a faxer o ke os outros dixem impossivel ..enfim temus de voltar a ser a ekipa koffi annan... is time to rise from the hell!...fika o desabafu ...knt ao restu ...e klaru ke dps de ver esta foto e amis algumas nao pdoe deixar de sentir gandes sdds da minha mamaxitah e do restu do ppl! finalmente ferais pa tar kom vcs e deixar akela prisao xeia de cocos (ups nao era pra se dixer!!)
daki a uns dias ...big post msm ...mal tenha o e1000 prometu gande post msm ....arraxar outra vex ...pra ja fika este ....fikem tb kom uma musika ke ja andava pa postar ha bues msm ,...adoro esta letra ....dix mt koixa msm
Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
I broke into your house last night
And left a note at your bedside
I'm far too shy to speak to you at school
You leave me numb and I'm not sure why
I find it easier to sit and stare
Than push my limbs out towards you right there
My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes
As blue as oceans and as pure as skies
I struggle for the words and then give up
My heads up with the birds on the t-hut
A little piece of mind that I know better
That the plain disgrace of all my letters
But after that the floodgates opened up
And I fell in love with everyone I saw
Please take your time I'm not in any rush
And it's in everything I ever write
It's not as if I need the extra weight
Confused enough by life so thanks a lot
Lonely written words for company
Just raise the roof this once and follow me
bexuuuuu msm gandi pa minha mamaxitah ...